Come sit down by the fire. We’re sure you have a few questions, so let’s go ahead and get those out of the way:
What is the Tribal Feast?
The Tribal Feast is a small, secret celebration. The Tribal Feast, however, is not your typical picnic. Yes, sometimes there is a sizable group of cool people enjoying great Food and Drink. But other times the Feast is only one person forging ahead alone, away from complacency, toward the edges – a personal jubilation.
How do I find the Tribal Feast?
The Tribal Feast is happening right now around a campfire or a camp stove. It is happening on a remote beach, beside a hiking trail, or beside a quite highway. Get good at spotting it and you can see it in a city park just as easily as on a mountain peak. It is happening on picnic blankets and in tents. You’ll see it in campers, in tour vans, on bicycles, and in sea kayaks. It is happening anywhere there are people who celebrate adventure and living life on the fringe.
What do I need to take part in the Tribal Feast?
The only requirement is a Spirit of Adventure. You can get there by any conveyance handy: car, bike, sea kayak, hang glider, go cart, canoe, camel… or just go barefoot! It’s nice to have some Gear to make the journey comfortable and safe, but make good choices. Make it good gear. Gear that lasts. Gear you can depend on. Gear that doesn’t break the bank. You’ll find that’s really important because you can’t afford to be weighed down by crap on the way to the Feast.
What do I do if I still have a question?
Everything is going to be okay.
Just fill out the form on our WTF page and you will receive an answer. It may not be the answer you were hoping to find, but great adventures are like that.
We’ll talk more about all of this Around the Fire.